Sexually mature rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, were highly susceptible to cryptobiosis caused by Cryptobia salmositica. Spawning female trout were more susceptible (higher parasitaemia and mortality) than sexually mature males. Most infected female trout (seven of nine) with eggs died before or shortly after spawning; however, none of the nine infected sexually matured males or the uninfected fish died. There was no significant difference in the severity of the anaemia between infected male and female trout. All infected males developed exophthalmia, while this clinical sign was not seen in any of the infected females nor in uninfected trout. The addition of 17 beta-estradiol (at physiological level or higher) did not enhance in vitro multiplication of the Cryptobia; however, fresh plasma from sexually mature females or males when added to cultures significantly increased in vitro multiplication of the pathogen. In addition, plasma from sexually mature females were significantly better than those from males in promoting in vitro parasite multiplication. Parasite multiplication did not increase after plasma from sexually mature fish were heat inactivated.