Yttrium-90 (Y-90) radioembolization, also known as selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT), is a regional hepatic therapy used in the treatment of unresectable colorectal cancer (CRC) liver metastases. In SIRT, Y-90 impregnated microspheres are injected into the VASCULAR SUPPLY of hepatic tumor, leading to selective irradiation and necrosis of tumor TISSUE. While several studies demonstrate improved local control and survival with SIRT, the specific indications for this therapy have yet to be defined. Typically, SIRT is given in combination with chemotherapy as multimodal treatment for unresectable hepatic CRC. However, it has also found increasing use as a salvage therapy in chemo-refractory patients. Herein, the authors describe their experience with SIRT as "stand alone" therapy in a surgically-prohibitive, chemotherapy naive patient with hepatic CRC metastasis. The results suggest that Y-90 SIRT may have potential applications beyond its usual role as a palliative or salvage therapy for unresectable hepatic CRC.