In 2004, a survey of 12 metals was carried out in six rural and six urban allotment sites across the UK. A total of 215 samples of vegetables and 36 samples of soft fruit were analysed using ICP-MS, and 51 samples of soil using ICP-OES. On a fresh weight basis, Cu levels in produce ranged 0.119-2.271 mg kg(-1). The highest levels measured (in mg kg(-1)) were Pb 0.164 in a sample of blackcurrants, Cd 0.039 in spinach, Hg 0.003 in curly kale and As 0.025 in raspberries. The lowest concentrations for these metals were below the level of detection (LOD) in numerous samples. The majority of Pt samples were below LOD and all were under the limit of quantification (LOQ). The results of the survey showed that the concentrations of the metals in vegetables, fruit and soils were consistent with previous studies and, generally, at low levels.