Objectives: To investigate whether a combination of hysterectomy and antibiotic treatment leads to an improvement of altered haematological and immunological parameters in bitches affected by pyometra.
Methods: Blood samples obtained from 13 bitches affected by pyometra were investigated before hysterectomy and seven days later for a total and differential leucocyte count, activity of neutrophils and lymphocytes, and quantification of total serum immunoglobulins, lysozyme and circulating immune complexes.
Results: The parameters most affected included changes in blood profile (leucocytosis because of neutrophilia or leucopenia) and inhibition of lymphocyte activity. Seven days after hysterectomy, all affected parameters returned to normal levels comparable to clinically healthy dogs.
Clinical significance: Application of immunostimulating therapy is not necessary to manage changes in blood cell counts and suppression of lymphocyte activity in bitches with pyometra. Removal of the infected uterus, being the source of infection, leads to improvement.