Arterial hypertension (AH) is the most important independent risk factor of cardiovascular diseases. The prevalence of AH is higher than it was several decades before, and in Europe it is approximately 40%. A higher prevalence of AH has been reported in Europe than in the United States and Canada. According to the results of epidemiology of arterial hypertension in Croatia study (EH-UH), the prevalence of AH in Croatia is 37.5%. Women are more aware, they were treated more often, and blood pressure control was more frequently achieved than in men. However, body mass index and socioeconomic factors have a greater influence on blood pressure values and prevalence of AH in women. A low level of health education and inappropriate treatment are the most important reasons for the poor blood pressure control observed. Measures of primary prevention should be performed continuously and adjusted to special population subgroups. As an increase of obesity and hypertension was observed in school children, these measures should start at that age.