The aim of this study was to evaluate by serology and PCR analyses the prevalence of Coxiella burnetti infection in ungulates in Spain. Sera were collected from red deer (Cervus elaphus; n=116), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus; n=39), fallow deer (Dama dama; n=13) and cattle (n=79). Sera were tested for anti-C. burnetii antibody detection by means of an immunofluorescence antibody assay (IFA) and C. burnetii DNA was amplified by PCR in samples from ungulates that had antibodies to phase II antigens. Twenty-nine, 15 and 39 percent of the red deer, roe deer and cattle had antibodies against C. burnetii, respectively. None of the fallow deer sera tested positive. Seroprevalence was statistically higher in farmed than in wild red deer and higher in northern than in southern populations, whereas an inverse pattern was observed for the roe deer. Most of the seropositive animals had only anti-C. burnetii phase II antibodies, thus showing the acute nature of infections in the sampled ungulates. These results show that C. burnetii circulates in wild ungulates in Spain and suggest that they can act as pathogen reservoirs for both domestic animals and humans.