Background/aims: To evaluate results of laparoscopic cholecystectomies realized in our department and to compare results concerning local and general complications with those reported in the literature.
Methodology: We analyzed retrospectively all the 1255 laparoscopic cholecystectomies realized in our department between January 95 and December 2004. Local and general complications were analyzed. Mean age was 55.6 (21-94) years, sex ratio (F/M) was 3.9. Common bile duct stones were extracted by endoscopic retrograde endoscopy (ERCP) before surgery or by choledochotomy (less than 1% of cases). The operation was performed with 4 trocars, as described by Dubois.
Results: Conversion rate was 1.95%. Mean postoperative hospitalization duration was2.7 days. Morbidity was 5.8% with equal repartition between local and general complications. Therevere 2 common bile duct injuries (0.16%). Six patients suffered from residual bile duct stone after cholecystectomy; 5 were treated by ERCP and 1 by choledochotomy. Three patients died (0.24%) after general complications.
Conclusions: Laparoscopic cholecvstectomv is a common operation with potential possible dramatic complications. We think that a radiological study of the biliary tract must be performed before surgery to avoid mistakes during the operation.