Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) is a sporadic disorder characterized by naevus (port wine stain), a pial angioma, and glaucoma. The angioma comprises abnormal tortuous vessels on the leptomeninges with underlying brain gliosis, calcification, and atrophy. The cerebral angioma is commonly unilateral but may be bilateral. Hemiplegia usually follows recurrent hemiconvulsions and may be related to venous stasis. The hemiplegia can be static, progressive, or fluctuating. Transient worsening of the hemiplegia can be seen with seizures and episodes resembling hemiplegic migraine. We report five patients (four females, one male) with SWS who have had transient worsening of hemiplegia following minor head injuries, occurring between the ages of 10 months and 12 years (median age 4y 6mo). An additional pilot survey suggests that this may affect up to 20% of patients.