Mediatisation of a scientific event could be neither controlled, nor verifiable. The experience which has been lived through the first worldwide allotransplantation of composite tissues of the face confirms that the actors of a surgical innovation are not the owners. Because there is neither confidentiality nor possible patent. Curiously the scientific world, providing with a sharing ethic, which rightly privileges the free spreading of knowledge in the way that most people could benefit of it. Obviously it is made without denied controversy, for truth as purpose. This scientific word that way joins the media one, with a specific ethic of the duty of information, but also interested in mercantile preoccupations quick to cultivate controversy not to enlighten this truth but to better sell pictures or papers. Than the author should only sustain this instrumentation which could certainly flatter him, and from which he could used, but in reality that paralysed him a little to go on in serenity with his shadow worker way.