A new neuroangiographic unit was developed with a ceiling-suspended gantry, capable of rotation (110 degrees) and craniocaudal angulation (+/- 45 degrees) along the body axis. The gantry could also be rotated 225 degrees at the ceiling suspension axis and sidetracked away from the angiographic table in case of emergency. Two sets of a twin-focus X-ray tube and a 12-inch image intensifier (II) were mounted on the gantry in the isocentric and cross-firing positions. High resolution 1024 x 1024 matrix digital radiography was obtained with a speed of 30 frames/s, while conventional film-screen radiography was obtained at 4 films/s. Rapid film changers were installed and interchangeable with the IIs. The lateral II and X-ray tube could be positioned from either side of the patient. There was no angulated position of the lateral imaging system during angulated anteroposterior or Towne projection of the frontal imaging system. Automatic repositioning of the gantry was possible to the preset position. Stereoscopic, magnification and stereoscopic magnification radiography could be obtained easily in monoplane or biplane mode. Switching from fluoroscopy to radiography and vice versa was possible rapidly and easily. Neuroangiographic as well as interventional procedures were performed expeditiously with lower complication rates. Suspending the gantry from the ceiling made more space available on the floor for the anesthesiologists.