The two main objectives of adolescence contraception are the eviction of involuntary pregnancies and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections. In France, in spite of our rich contraceptive arsenal and a widely spread information, the rate of voluntary termination of pregnancy keeps growing among the teenagers population--and this, probably because the gap between theoretical effectiveness and practice of contraception is particularly wide among the young people. Every contraceptive means can be used by teenagers; the best option being, it seems, the "double DUTCH", which consists of concomitant use of condoms and hormonal contraception. Most often, the consultation for contraception is the first gynaecological consultation. That is the reason why it is usually stressful for teenagers who dread undergoing a gynaecological examination. If this examination is not necessary for most of young patients, it is essential to create a trustful relationship and to make explicit the several contraceptive methods. During this consultation it is interesting to look for common teenage troubles like addiction to smoking and eating disorders. For any prescription of hormonal contraception, it is important to explain the benefits and the possible side effects, to stress the observance and to tell the teenager about the recommendations in case of forgetting. Concerning condom - the only efficient way of preventing sexually transmitted infections--, it is useful to talk about it in concrete and straightforward terms, to show its handling and to inform about risks of tearing. With this state of mind, an emergency contraception can be prescribed straightaway in order to make its use easier. Also, without any moralizing speech, the need for maturity must be emphasized as well as taking care of one's body with the aim of avoiding a premature pregnancy or any sexually transmitted infection. This consultation must be coupled with a close follow-up, availability and mutual confidence which are the main elements vouching for a good observance and consequently an efficient contraception.