Background and purpose: To evaluate the possibility of shrinking the kidney by perfusion with hypertonic solution to facilitate organ removal in laparoscopic surgery.
Materials and methods: After 18 open nephrectomies (ONs) in 9 pigs, one of four saline solutions (5%, 7.5%, 10%, and 15%) was infused through a catheter into the renal artery for 5 minutes in four kidneys each. The volumes and weights of the kidneys were measured before and after renal perfusion; the kidneys were then sent for histologic evaluation. Eight ONs were performed, and the kidneys were removed from the abdominal cavity in a plastic bag in order to mimic organ entrapment during laparoscopy. The kidneys were perfused with hypertonic solution and were again put in a plastic bag and removed from the same animal's abdomen through another incision. The incisions were measured with calipers before and after extraction of the unperfused and perfused organs.
Results: The kidneys that underwent perfusion with 5% saline had the greatest decrease in both weight and volume, an average of 16% and 17.8%, respectively. The average incision needed for extraction of unperfused kidneys was 44.9 mm (range 40-58 mm), whereas the mean size of the incision needed to remove perfused kidneys was 26.6 mm (range 20-30 mm) (P < 0.001). The relative reduction in the necessary incision size therefore was 44.3% (range 33.3%-55%).
Conclusion: Perfusion with 5% saline is able to shrink the kidney volume slightly with mild histologic changes. In the pig, it is possible to decrease the renal incision necessary for kidney removal by 44% using this method.