The complete nucleotide sequence of a large (66 kb) plasmid pLD-TEX-KL of Legionella dumoffii TEX-KL strain was determined. Of the 57 predicted open reading frames (ORFs), 39 (68%) encoded proteins similar to previously known proteins, five (9%) were assigned with putative functions, three (5%) encoded conserved hypothetical proteins, and 10 (18%) had no homology to any genes present in the current open databases. The ORFs with similar functions were organized in a modular structure; thus, transfer region was identified, as well as a putative heavy-metal ion transporter system (hel). The transfer region encoded homologs of the Salmonella entrica serovar Typhi conjugative system components involved in conjugation. In addition, we also found a potential protein that was analogous to the DNA polymerase III epsilon subunit. It is rarely found that plasmid encode the DNA polymerase.