Background: In vitro incubation of murine BM cells with IL-3, IL-6, IL-11 and SCF induces expansion of HPC but fails to preserve 'engraftability' in comparison with normal untreated marrow cells. We studied how culturing marrow cells for 48 and 72 h with a combination of the cytokines SCF and Flt3L influences cell expansion and engraftability.
Methods: Competitive repopulation of lethally irradiated C57BL/6 mice was used to examine engraftability of ex vivo cytokine-expanded Ptprc chimeric BM. A methylcellulose in vitro assay was used to determine the expansion of substitute progenitors.
Results: Both cytokine combinations successfully expanded progenitor populations when assayed in methylcellulose culture in vitro. After 72 h, the colony numbers of the expansion cultures increased 61% with IL-3, IL-6, IL-11 and SCF stimulation and 96% with SCF and Flt3L stimulation. Engraftment of competitively transplanted cells, cultured with IL-3, IL-6, IL-11 and SCF, consistently dropped to levels below 16%. However, 48 h culture with SCF and Flt3L resulted in 53.5+/-1.6% engraftment at 17 days and 64+/-3.7% engraftment at 19 weeks post-transplantation. Extending the cytokine exposure to 72 h resulted in 70+/-4.4% short-term engraftment at 17 days, and 64+/-2.4% engraftment at 19 weeks post-transplantation.
Discussion: The data demonstrate the ability of SCF and Flt3L cytokine-stimulated BM cells to maintain short- and long-term engraftability. We conclude that these cytokines play a crucial role in maintaining engraftment of hematopoietic progenitors.