In humans, the function of spatial integration (SI) develops slowly, continuing through childhood into adolescence. To reveal its neural substrate in children and to examine the role of myelination in shaping SI-dependent functional activity, we applied a combined fMRI/MTI technique capable of tracking functional (BOLD response) and morphological (myelination) signs of maturation. Fourteen children (age 7-13) were scanned while viewing bilateral gratings, which either obeyed Gestalt grouping rules or violated them. A contrast between these stimuli revealed the BOLD response presumably induced by interhemispheric SI. It was limited to a small ventral stream territory in the lingual gyrus that corresponds to the VP part of the SI-induced activation found in adults in VP/V4 areas. The BOLD response correlated with myelination of splenial fibers. The data suggest that the activation of the extrastriate areas that enable an SI function depends on the maturation of long-range cortico-cortical connections.