Transplantation of fetal nigral tissue, fetal and adult adrenal tissue into the dorsal segment of caudate nucleus was performed in 28 rats (wistar). Ventral mesencephalon of fetuses aged 16-17 weeks was used as a nigral graft. Adrenal medulla was taken from fetuses aged 17-20 weeks and from adult rats. In 12 rats denervation of striatum was previously performed. In six of them the lesion was made by mechanical cut of nigrostriatal pathway and in other six by 6-OH DA injection into ventral mesencephalon, according to previously established coordinates. Tissue pieces of 1 mm3 were placed in previously prepared cavity trough the cortex and corpus callosum into the dorsal surface of the caudate nucleus. In two rats transplantation was performed 4 weeks after preparing the cavity. By determining the level of DA and NA 2-3 weeks after transplantation the authors found that the graft substitutes a deficit of these monoamines in this period. In all cases with denervated striatum, the reduction of motor disorders occurred immediately after transplantation. Survival of intracaudate fetal cell grafts was noted in 23%, as well as the fatal and adult adrenal medulla grafts in 38,9% of biochemically studied cases.