Background: Abdominal obesity and high blood pressure (HBP) are known to be associated with sleep apnea syndrome (SAS). Resistant hypertension commonly leads physicians to prescribe a sleep record because the prevalence of SAS is high in patients with resistant hypertension. Data on the prevalence of SAS in patients with treated and controlled hypertension are lacking. Moreover, while the metabolic syndrome (MS) and insulin resistance frequently occur in association with SAS, few studies have evaluated the prevalence of SAS in patients with MS. Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS) is often proposed to identify patients at high risk for sleep disorders and for which a sleep record should be prescribed. The reliability of this test to identify SAS has not been studied in patients with MS.
Objectives: (i) To assess the prevalence of SAS in men with MS, (ii) to study the relationship between controlled hypertension and SAS in patients with MS, (iii) to assess the reliability of the ESS to diagnose SAS in patients with MS.
Methods: Among 135 men hospitalized for MS, the 125 who had no history of SAS were systematically evaluated by a nocturnal polygraphy was systematically performed in the 125 men without known SAS at the admission. An excessive daytime sleepiness was assessed by the ESS. Results of analyses in patients with controlled HBP (<130/85 mmHg with antihypertensive drug(s), n=41) were compared with those in patients with normotension (<130/85 mmHg without treatment, n=32).
Results: The prevalence of SAS (apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) >or=15/h) in men with MS was 44% in the whole population, 28.1% in the subgroup of patients with normotension and 61.0% in patients with treated and controlled HBP. A severe SAS (AHI >or=30/h) was respectively present in 6.3% and 34.1% of patients with normotension and controlled HTA (p<0.01). Compared with patients without SAS, those with SAS displayed higher blood pressure and BMI. Logistic regression analysis showed that controlled HTA was a determinant of SAS which persisted after adjustment for BMI. As suggested by the ROC curve, the ESS is not a good tool to identify patients with SAS. With a threshold of 11/24 the positive and negative values of this scale were of 0.20 and 0.47.
Conclusion: The prevalence of SAS is high in men with MS. The ESS does not identify patients who should undergo a nocturnal record. Because a severe SAS is found in nearly one third of patients with MS and controlled HBP, we suggest that a nocturnal record should be systematically proposed to these patients irrespective of the degree of daytime sleepiness assessed by questionnaires.