Recent studies have shown a pluripotential nature of stem cells that were previously thought to be committed to specific lineages. HBC-3 cells are a clonal fetal murine hepatoblast cell line derived from an e9.5 murine embryo, and these cells can be induced to form hepatocytes and bile ducts in vitro and when transplanted into adult mouse livers. To determine whether HBC-3 cells can exhibit a pluripotential phenotype, we created chimeric mice by injection of enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-marked HBC-3 cells into wild-type or dipeptidyl dipeptidase IV (DPPIV) knockout blastocysts. Genetically labeled HBC-3 cells were identified by EGFP polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in all the major organs of many chimeric mice and visualized in chimeras as bright red DPPIV-positive cells in the DPPIV knockout chimeric mice. Strikingly, the HBC-3 cells maintained phenotypic and biochemical features of liver specification in every case in which they were identified in nonliver organs, such as brain, mesenchyme, and bone. In adult liver they were present as small foci of hepatocytes and bile ducts in the chimeras. Additional major histocompatibility complex (MHC) marker analysis and X and Y chromosome content analysis further demonstrated that HBC-3 cells did not acquire the phenotype of the organs in which they resided and that they were not present because of fusion with host cells.
Conclusion: In contrast to other stem cell types, these data demonstrate that cultured murine fetal liver stem cells appear to maintain their liver specification in the context of nonliver organs in chimeric mice.