Background and aim of the study: The new Sorin Freedom SOLO pericardial stentless valve is designed for supra-annular implantation, and requires only one running suture. It can be implanted with a short cross-clamp time, and is designed to offer the same hemodynamic advantages of other stentless valves. The study aim was to evaluate the prospective postoperative and two-month follow up hemodynamic performance of this bioprosthesis.
Methods: Thirty patients (13 males, 17 females; mean age 75.6 +/- 6.21 years) with severe aortic stenosis underwent valve replacement with the Sorin Freedom SOLO stentless valve. All patients underwent transthoracic echocardiography before surgery, before hospital discharge, and at two months' follow up. The peak and mean transprosthetic gradients, telediastolic and telesystolic diameters, septal and posterior wall thicknesses, total and indexed ventricular mass volume and left ventricular ejection fraction were evaluated.
Results: Both, the transprosthetic peak gradient and mean gradient decreased significantly during the first two months (p < 0.05 and p < 0.001, respectively). The telediastolic diameter was significantly reduced between preoperative evaluation and follow up (p < 0.05). The interventricular septum thickness was decreased significantly after two months (p <0.001), as was the posterior wall thickness, albeit to a lesser degree (p < 0.05). Both, total and indexed ventricular mass volume showed a significant regression at the two months follow up (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: The Sorin Freedom SOLO stentless valve shows good hemodynamic performance, with an early and highly progressive left ventricular remod eling. If these data are confirmed in future studies, the SOLO prosthesis might represent a safe alternative to the use of conventional stentless valves.