This study was to investigate the feasibility and potential benefits of combining electrons with intensity modulated photons (IMRT+e) for patients with extensive scalp lesions. A case of a patient with an extensive scalp lesion, in which the target volume covered the entire front half of the scalp, is presented. This approach incorporated the electron dose into the inverse treatment planning optimization. The resulting doses to the planning target volume (PTV) and relevant critical structures were compared. Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD), diodes, and GAFCHROMIC EBT films were used to verify the accuracy of the techniques. The IMRT+e plan produced a superior dose distribution to the patient as compared to the IMRT plan in terms of reduction of the dose to the brain with the same dose conformity and homogeneity in the target volumes. This study showed that IMRT+e is a viable treatment modality for extensive scalp lesions patients. It provides a feasible alternative to existing treatment techniques, resulting in improved homogeneity of dose to the PTV compared to conventional electron techniques and a decrease in dose to the brain compared to photon IMRT alone.