The clinical case of a 56 year old patient who developed a grafted hepatic tumoration on a year after diagnosis of liver cirrhosis of alcoholic etiology is reported. Diagnosis of the mass was made by fine needle aspiration punction ecographically guided obtaining a cellular block which, upon anatomopathological study, revealed the presence of a malignant mesenchymal tumor; a leiomyosarcoma. Not only is this type of primary hepatic tumor rare but its appearance on a liver of alcoholic cirrhosis is also of interest. It is much more common to find primary hepatic tumors of epithelial origin, concretely hepatocarcinomas. The value of this finding is discussed with the importance of the ecographically guided punction enabling the establishment of a precise histological diagnosis being underlined. The prognosis of malignant hepatic mesenchymal tumors is commented upon as well as the long survival associated to the same, which, in this case, was longer than 18 months.