We report our experience of the treatment of the coronary syndrome ST+ in a small volume center.
Patients and methods: For a period of 1 year (September 2004 to September 2005), 110 patients were treated by emergency coronarography at the hospital in Vichy (France). These patients were followed up for a period of 2 years.
Results: This population was relatively elderly: 43.6% of the patients were above 75 years of age. One hundred patients (91%) were treated by emergency angioplasty with a success rate of 88%. The average waiting time for treatment in the coronarography ward is 55 minutes and 35 seconds. Mortality in hospital is 6.36% for the totally of the population. It should be noted that 10.9% of these patients were admitted in a state of cardiogenic shock (12 patients), 3 of whom (25%) have died. 3 of these received a CPIA. At the end of an average follow-up of 21.44 months the survival rate is 83.6%, including and incident-free survival rate of 61.8%.
Conclusion: These results, comparable with what has been published in the literature, confirm the effectiveness of emergency coronary angioplasty as a method of revascularization even in a small volume center, in respect both of the survival rate in hospital and also of incident-free survival at 2 years.