The objectives of this study were 1) to examine whether the prevalence of 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS) in schizophrenia patients with the Deficit syndrome is higher than the reported approximately 2% for the population of schizophrenia patients as a whole, and 2) to estimate the overall prevalence of 22q11DS among schizophrenia patients by combining all available studies. Our sample, enriched for patients with the Deficit syndrome, had 88% power to detect an estimated prevalence of 5% of 22q11.2 deletions. No 22q11.2 deletions were detected in 311 schizophrenia patients, 146 of whom met criteria for the Deficit syndrome. Our literature research revealed that in eight studies sixteen deletions were identified in 2133 patients with schizophrenia. This corresponds to a prevalence of 0.75% (95%CI: 0.5%-1.2%).
In conclusion: The prevalence of 22q11.2DS in schizophrenia patients with the Deficit syndrome is not higher than in the population of schizophrenia patients as a whole. The prevalence of 22q11.2DS in schizophrenia patients is lower than the frequently reported prevalence of 2% or more.