The distribution of 1,198 Malmö alleles was examined in 822 men from 16 indigenous populations and 188 women from 7 of the ethnic groups. Subjects were from several European countries, the Mediterranean, East Asia, and the USA (Anglo- and African-Americans). The frequencies of the rarer (Malmö B) allele were approximately equal across Europe, the highest frequencies (0.36) being in the French and Anglo-Americans; no population was observed with clearly the highest frequency. They diminished slightly at moderate distances from Europe (Tunisia, Ethiopia) and greatly at longer distances (East Asia and West Africa). In Orientals, the frequencies ranged from 0.07 (East Indians) to 0.03 (the Chinese) and from 0.0 to 0.15 in African-Americans. Assuming selective neutrality, the data are consistent with the European origin of the 'B' allele when the population was small and outward spread.