Objective: A comparative proteomic approach was used to analyze proteins relevant to portal vein tumor thrombus forming.
Methods: proteins extracted from five pairs of matched primary tumor/tumor thrombus samples in the same patient were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). Selected proteins exhibiting statistically significant alternations were identified by mass spectrometry. Western blotting was further performed to examine the expression of the candidate proteins.
Result: There were 20 significant proteins were identified in total, Among the 20 spots, 12 proteins were up-regulated proteins in primary tumor tissue, including Galectin-1, HMGBI, peroxiredoxin 1, Cyclophilin B, PCNA. whereas 8 were up-regulated proteins in tumor thrombus samples, including Annexin V, Triosephosphate Isomerase. Western blotting Confirmed the difference of Annexin V on protein level.
Conclusion: There are many proteins associated with the formation of PVTT in HCC. The overexpression of Annexin V may serve as a biomarker for early detection and therapeutic targets to HCC with PVTT.