Objective: To conduct a descriptive analysis of the opinions of health care personnel regarding different aspects related with the informed consent, and mainly the information given on informed consent forms.
Material and methods: All health care professionals (physicians, nurses and nursing auxiliaries) of a teaching hospital were invited to fill out an anonymous, 20-item questionnaire based on legal health guidelines. Degree of knowledge was assessed by age, professional and seniority status, speciality or position and bioethical background.
Results: The questionnaire was filled out by 277 participants, with a hospital participation of 67%. A total of 45.1% of the health care professionals believed they had insufficient information on what the informed consent consists of and when it should be completed by patients; 81.2% considered that informed consent is an instrument of professional protection against demands by the user; 62.8% thought that the information provided is not sufficiently clear to the patient; 76.2% that the reading and understanding are difficult for the average person and 37.9% considered that there is excessive information. Regarding the basic elements that should be included in the informed consent form, 96.7% advocate information, 93.5% comprehension, 84.1% willingness and 74% competence. A total of 98.9% of participants believed that side effects of a diagnostic or therapeutic intervention should be specified in the document, 57% the likelihood of success and 70.8% alternatives. Furthermore, 59.6% are not in favor of using numerical percentages to express procedure risks.
Conclusions: Half of health-care professionals were unaware of what an informed consent consists of, its different sections, the law that regulates it and the philosophy underlying its development.