After investigating the literature, we suggest these guidelines for tooth bleaching: If bleaching solutions of high concentration are used, prevent accidental exposure of gingival tissues to the solutions by use of a rubber dam. If using lower concentrations of bleaching solutions, avoid long-term exposures to gingival tissues. To maintain pulp vitality, keep bleaching time and temperatures to a minimum. Check teeth for exposed dentin and enamel fractures. Advise patients that thermal sensitivity may occur after the bleaching procedure and may persist for several days. Prescribe premedication with an anti-inflammatory drug, when necessary. Avoid bleaching the cervical area of the tooth by covering the area with a base to avoid cervical resorption. Avoid dentin exposure by noting that abrasive bleaching techniques can remove significant amounts of enamel. Take special care when bleaching enamel--especially near the cervix of the tooth, where the enamel is thin.