This paper describes a fast gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric (GC/MS) screening method for the detection, in urine, of 36 xenobiotics (30 synthetic anabolic steroids, four narcotics, one diuretic and one stimulant) excreted free or as glucuro-conjugates in urine and detectable as trimethylsilyl (TMS) derivatives. These drugs (and/or their urinary metabolites) can be simultaneously extracted by a single liquid/liquid separation step, at alkaline pH, after enzymatic hydrolysis with beta-glucuronidase and then assayed as TMS derivatives by GC/MS using electron ionisation (EI) and single ion monitoring (SIM) acquisition mode. The total time needed for the GC run is less than 8 min. Good reproducibility of the retention times (CV% <1) and the relative abundances of the diagnostic fragment ions (CV% <10) was observed for all target analytes. The sensitivity of the method is sufficient to match the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for the accredited laboratories, with limits of detection (LODs) that are lower than the corresponding WADA minimum required performance limits (MRPLs) for all target compounds.
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