Implementing patient access to electronic health records under HIPAA: lessons learned

Perspect Health Inf Manag. 2004 Dec 15:1:11.


In 2001, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) emphasized the need for patients to have greater control over their health information. We describe a Boston healthcare system's approach to providing patients access to their electronic health records (EHRs) via Patient Gateway, a secure, Web-based portal. Implemented in 19 clinic sites to date, Patient Gateway allows patients to access information from their medical charts via the Internet in a secure manner. Since 2002, over 19,000 patients have enrolled in Patient Gateway, more than 125,000 patients have logged into the system, and over 37,000 messages have been sent by patients to their practices. There have been no major security concerns. By providing access to EHR data, secure systems like Patient Gateway allow patients a greater role in their healthcare process, as envisioned by the IOM and HIPAA.