Background: Clinical guidelines recommend the combination of pharmaco- and psychotherapy for the treatment of chronic depression, although there are only a few studies supporting an additive effect of psychotherapy.
Methods: Forty-five inpatients with a chronic Major Depressive Disorder were randomized to 5 weeks of either Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) modified for an inpatient setting (15 individual and 8 group sessions) plus pharmacotherapy or to medication plus Clinical Management (CM). The 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression was the primary outcome measure. The study included a prospective naturalistic follow-up, 3- and 12-months after discharge.
Results: Intent-to-treat analyses revealed a significantly greater reduction of depressive symptoms as well as better global functioning of patients treated with IPT compared to the CM group at week 5. Response and sustained response rates differed significantly between the two treatment conditions, favouring the IPT group. Remission rates were considerably higher for IPT patients who completed the treatment (67% vs. 32%). Patients who initially responded to IPT exhibited greater treatment gains at 12 months since only 7% of these subjects relapsed compared with 25% of the CM subjects. In the long-term, additional IPT led to a lower symptom level and higher global functioning.
Limitations: The study uses data of a subset of patients from a larger trial. Both treatment groups did not receive comparable amounts of therapeutic attention. Extrapolating the data from this inpatient study to chronically depressed outpatients may not be possible.
Conclusions: Intensive combined treatment provides superior acute and long-term effects over standard treatment in chronically depressed inpatients.