The recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection and the IAEA Basic Safety Standards (BSS) make clear that the embryo and fetus should be regarded as a member of the public when considering the protection of female workers who are or may be pregnant. The BSS note that the embryo and fetus should be 'afforded the same broad level of protection as required for members of the public'. Similar guidance is included in national legislation in a number of countries. On the basis of a review of such guidance, it was concluded that although the recommendations provided in the BSS are in general agreement with the international consensus on approaches to the protection of pregnant workers and their offspring, more specific supporting guidance is needed. The IAEA is preparing a technical document that extends and clarifies previous advice and considers the practical application of the advice for workers in different types of workplace, for which important potential routes of exposure for the pregnant worker have been identified. This action is being carried out under the framework of the International Action Plan for Occupational Radiation Protection.