We used three putative vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) antagonists: 1) [4C1-D-Phe6,Leu17]VIP, 2) [N-Ac-Tyr1,D-Phe2] GRF(1-29)-NH2, and 3) VIP(10-28) to assess the involvement of endogenous VIP in the regulation of thyroid hormone secretion and thyroid blood flow (BF). We measured thyroid BF in ketamine-pentobarbital-anesthetized rats using the microsphere technique. Increases in thyroid BF induced by VIP administration (30 pmol-1.5 nmol/100 g b.wt.) were not affected by any of the three compounds tested at doses 10-100 times higher than that of VIP. These compounds (3-15 nmol/100 g b.wt.) also failed to affect basal thyroid BF or hormone secretion. Increases in pancreatic and salivary gland BFs induced by VIP (30 pmol/100 g b.wt.) were also not affected by [4C1-D-Phe6,Leu17]VIP or [N-Ac-Tyr1,D-Phe2]GRF(1-29)-NH2 (3 nmol/100 g b.wt.). These results indicate that the three compounds tested are not effective inhibitors of VIP receptors in the thyroid vasculature and, therefore, they cannot be used in the investigation of the functional significance of endogenous VIP in the regulation of thyroid BF.