Background: We undertook this study to describe and analyze our experience with rectal prolapse treated by helicoidal suture and anoplasty at the Colorectal Service, Centro Médico Nacional, Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, Veracruz, México.
Methods: An ambispective study from 1999 to 2006 was performed in patients with rectal prolapse by chart review and outpatient clinic visit. All patients underwent helicoidal suture and anoplasty.
Results: Thirty two patients underwent surgery (12 males and 20 females). The mean age was 61.3 +/- 20.88 years (range: 21-94 years). History of rectal prolapse was from 1 month to 48 years. The most common symptoms were anal mass sensation, fecal incontinence, mucous discharge, rectal bleeding, chronic constipation and pain. Nineteen patients had a significant prior medical history and past surgical history. In-hospital stay was <24 h in 62.5% of procedures. There were no surgical complications. Two recurrences were documented and 28 patients had a minimum 12-month follow-up. To date, we have not documented any counter-referrals regarding complications or recurrences from primary care physicians.
Conclusions: Helicoidal suture and anoplasty is an effective technique in rectal prolapse patients that offers certain advantages such as shorter in-hospital, rapid postoperative recovery, less surgical time and low recurrence rate.