The present study was carried out to investigate the immune response against Strongyloides venezuelensis infection in Balb/c mice previously immunized with larva-antigens or primed with live-larvae. Our results indicate that all primed mice developed a strong protection against challenge infection that remained active for 45 days. In mice primed with live-larvae the challenge infection resulted in great reduction of migrating larvae and the worms were completely eliminated from the small intestine before maturation. The protection pattern did not alter when the primary infection was aborted by drug treatment. In these experimental groups, the challenge infection was accompanied by a type-2 predominant immune response, intense IgE and reactive IgG1 production, and granulocyte infiltration in skin, lungs and intestine. The challenge infection in antigen-immunized mice also resulted in great reduction of migrating larvae. However, the worms that reached the host intestine matured, produced eggs and were eliminated similarly to the ones from nonimmunized mice. Protective mechanisms after immunization with larva antigen were migrating larva-specific and associated with a strong and mixed Th1 and Th2 response, without tissue granulocyte infiltration. In conclusion, protective immunity induced by a previous infection or antigen-immunization are stage-specific and operate through different effector mechanisms.