Together with introducing legal regulations as well as modem standards of postgraduate education, the professional position of a nurse has strengthened and also her responsibility for professional activity has increased. Performing the profession of an anaesthesiology nurse involves necessity of possessing some adequate professional qualifications. The aim of the study was an attempt to answer the question on how the knowledge of an anaesthesiology nurse concerning the activities being within her professional qualifications shapes. The research was carried out in 2005 among 123 anaesthesiology nurses working in some Polish hospitals chosen at random. Method of diagnostic opinion poll was applied and a questionnaire of own authorship was a research tool. Analysing the obtained results the following conclusions have been drawn: 1. The level of knowledge of an anaesthesiology nurses on the activities being within their qualifications is unsatisfactory; 2. Obtaining competence in anaesthesiology nursing involves the necessity of continual raising of qualifications by nurses, especially being on specialization level; 3. A necessity of differentiation between particular competence levels of anaesthesiology nurses during different forms of education should be underlined; 4. Possibility of realization of their competences on a particular level by anaesthesiology nurses is connected with the necessity of improving whole therapeutic team work.