A novel three-dimensional (3D) RARE (rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement) sequence was implemented on a clinical imager. In this technique, multiple slabs are excited in the same way as in the multisection spin-echo sequence, and each slab is further phase encoded into eight sections along the section-slab direction. With a 16-echo RARE sequence, 128 excitations cover the 256 X 256 X 8 3D k space. With a TR of 2,500 msec, 10 slabs can be excited sequentially at each TR, yielding 80 sections in 5 minutes. Slabs were overlapped to give contiguous sections after discarding of the aliased sections at slab edges. This relatively fast sequence makes contiguous thin-section T2-weighted imaging possible, an impractical achievement with the much longer spin-echo method. Compared with 3D Fourier transform gradient-echo imaging, the sensitivity of 3D RARE sequences to magnetic susceptibility is reduced. The clinical potential of T2-weighted 3D imaging is illustrated with high-resolution brain, spine, and temporomandibular joint images.