Background: The reported incidence of osteoarticular infections in HIV-infected patients has varied in the literature. PATIENTS AND METHODS We determined the incidence and characteristics of osteoarticular infections reported in a database of 1,515 HIV-infected patients between 1983 and 2003.
Results: 23 HIV-infected patients were identified with an osteoarticular infection, 11 of whom had a spondylodiscitis. 16 were intravenous drug abusers; this was identified as a risk factor for developing an osteoarticular infection. The most common agent was Staphylococcus aureus. 6 patients required surgical intervention and in a worst-case scenario more than one-fifth had recurrence of their infection.
Conclusion: Development of an osteoarticular infection is a rare complication in this group of HIV-infected patients, but a remarkably high number of infections of the spine were seen.