Fourteen patients with advanced neuroblastoma, which was unresponsive to or had relapsed despite conventional therapy, were entered into a phase I/II trial of [131I]metaiodobenzylguanidine (131I-MIBG). Doses ranged from 1.85-8.14 GBq each (50-220 mCi), with cumulative doses of 1.85-24.20 GBq (50-654 mCi) in one to three doses. Side effects included mild nausea and vomiting and moderate myelosuppression which occurred in nine patients. Subjective responses occurred in five patients. Four patients had objective responses (one partial, two minor and one mixed). Two of these patients remain alive 80 and 60 months after beginning 131I-MIBG therapy. Comparison of the 131I-MIBG treated patients with 11 carefully matched control patients treated with an advanced current chemotherapy protocol (CCG 8605) was performed by means of Kaplan-Meier life table analysis. The 14% four-year survival with 131I-MIBG compared favorably with the 6% achieved by salvage chemotherapy. We thus believe 131I-MIBG may have a role in the management of neuroblastoma.