In this study, a new 3D native electrophoretic protocol is proposed for an exhaustive separation and identification of membrane proteins. It is based on native liquid phase isoelectrofocusing (N-LP-IEF) of protein complexes in the first dimension, followed by blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) in the second dimension, where both the pI and the molecular masses of protein complexes (2D N-LP-IEF-BN) were used to separate them in their native form. Finally, each single component can be resolved using denaturing electrophoresis (3D N-LP-IEF-BN-SDS-PAGE). The thylakoid membrane of spinach which contains four big protein complexes was chosen as a model for setting up analytical methods suitable for any membrane proteins. The pI-based MicroRotofor has a number of advantages over BN-PAGE: it does not require the addition of any chemicals, and separation of complexes is based on the protein's real physicochemical properties which inevitably change when dye is added. Results were more easily reproduced than with BN, and the pI of each native complex was also determined. Although some fractions still contained comigrating complexes after MicroRotofor, these were subsequently separated by BN for further analysis. Thus, highly hydrophobic complexes, such as ATP-synthetas and Cyt b6/f, were separated in native form as were various complexes of LHCII trimers, which have different pI but similar molecular masses. SDS-PAGE revealed almost all the subunits from the four photosynthetic complexes, indicating that by using 3D N-LP-IEF-BN-SDS-PAGE it is possible to achieve a greater degree of component identification than with 2D BN-SDS-PAGE.