We show using mild extraction procedures that the p53 proto-oncogene forms a complex with adenovirus 5 E1b-58 kD during infection. These complexes are detected as coimmunoprecipitates from radiolabeled extracts of adenovirus infected cells on SDS-PAGE. Furthermore, adenovirus mutants with defects in E1b-58 kD fail to form complexes, whereas mutants in other early region genes still show evidence of complex. Using a panel of monoclonal antibodies to mouse p53, we show that antibodies reacting with N-terminal epitopes on p53, displace E1b-58 kD. This result suggests that E1b-58 kD binds to an N-terminal region of mouse p53. In addition, in a transient transfection assay in monkey COS cells, we show that an N-terminal deletion mutant of mouse p53 does not bind to E1b-58 kD but wild-type mouse p53 does bind. This result again suggests that E1b-58 kD binds an N-terminal determinant on p53.