Four cases of Stanford type A acute aortic dissection were treated by wrapping operation. After careful dissection between the dilated ascending aorta and right pulmonary artery, 8 mm woven Dacron vascular prosthesis was passed around the aorta and tightened. Further enforcement wrapping was carried out using several prostheses from aortic root to the innominate artery. We call this technique "wrapping operation". Emergent operations were performed on all patients because of cardiac tamponade, 6.8-33 hours after the onset of dissection. Three patients are doing well 17-39 months after the operation, but only 1 patient died early postoperative period because of DIC and multiple organ failure. And 2 patients was showed closure of entry of the ascending aorta by the postoperative aortography. We think that the wrapping operation is a useful technique for the patients of ruptured Stanford type A acute dissecting aneurysms.