We report a case-series of seven patients with Tako-Tsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC) and at least one concomitant >or=50% coronary stenosis. Each case involves a female patient who presented symptoms and an electrocardiogram compatible with acute coronary syndrome, mild troponin I elevation, a ventriculogram showing left ventricle (LV) apical or midventricular ballooning (classical or variant TTC), an angiogram showing at least one >or=50% stenosis and a cardiac magnetic resonance showing no myocardial late Gadolinium enhancement. Full recovery of normal LV contractility after the event was required to confirm TTC. Our report presents the case for the opportunity to modify the TTC definition, removing the requirement for absence of coronary stenosis not to exclude patients with bystander coronary lesions, who are probably under diagnosed as per the original TTC definition.