A case of Plasmodium vivax malaria was diagnosed in Corsica in summer 2006. This is the first case of autochthonous transmission of malaria to be reported in Corsica since 1972. Corsica is a well-known malaria endemic region characterised, for several years now by an anophelism situation without malaria disease, due to the presence of An. labranchiae and An. saccharovi able to transmit P. vivax. The occurring sequence of malaria signs in an imported case on 9 July and in an autochthonous case on 5 August, both in Porto, implies a transmission by local Anopheles. This suspicion is reinforced by the results of entomological investigations. However, from June to September 2006, no other P. vivax malaria case and no other autochthonous case were detected in Corsica. Therefore, it seems that no permanent malaria transmission occurs in this island. Mosquito eradication actions and anti-vectorial measures have been reinforced as well as individual prevention measures against imported diseases while travelling in tropical countries. Obviously, detection of one exceptional autochthonous transmission of one malaria case in Corsica does not justify proposing malaria protection to tourists.