Using high-yielding hybrid rice 'Liangyoupeijiu' (LYP9) and hybrid rice 'Shanyou 63' (SY63) as the experimental materials and using (14)C radio-autography, the photosynthetic capacities and distribution of photosynthates in flag leaf blades and sheaths of LYP9 were studied. The results showed that net photosynthetic rates (Pn) of the flag leaf blades and sheaths of LYP9 were much higher than those of SY63; the light transmissivity rates (LT) measured at the medium height of the flag leaf sheaths and the penultimate leaf sheaths were also significantly higher than those of SY63. The incipient activities, total activities and activation percentages of Rubisco in the flag leaf blade and sheath of LYP9 were all higher than those of SY63. The photosynthate transport rate in the sheaths of LYP9, and the quantity of photosynthate transported to the spikes and transformed to economic yield of LYP9 were all higher than those of SY63. The photosynthates produced by the sheaths were mainly transported to spike to make a certain contribution (about 15%) to yield.