Purpose: To prospectively evaluate in rats the acute change in tumor vascular leakiness (K(PS)) assayed at magnetic resonance (MR) imaging after a single dose of the angiogenesis inhibitor bevacizumab as a predictive biomarker of tumor growth response after a prolonged treatment course.
Materials and methods: Institutional animal care and use committee approval was obtained. Seventeen female rats with implanted human breast cancers underwent dynamic albumin-(Gd-DTPA)(30)-enhanced MR imaging followed by an initial dose of bevacizumab or saline (as a control). Treatment was continued every 3rd day, for a total of four doses at five possible dose levels: 0 mg bevacizumab (n = 4 [control rats]), 0.1 mg bevacizumab (n = 3), 0.25 mg bevacizumab (n = 2), 0.5 mg bevacizumab (n = 5), and 1.0 mg bevacizumab (n = 3). A second MR imaging examination was performed 24 hours after the initial dose to enable calculation of the acute change in MR imaging-assayed leakiness, or Delta K(PS). This acute change in K(PS) at MR imaging was correlated with tumor growth response for each cancer at the completion of the 11-day treatment course. For statistical analyses, an unpaired two-tailed t test, analysis of variance, and linear regression analyses were used.
Results: The MR imaging-assayed change in tumor microvascular leakiness, tested as a potential biomarker, correlated strongly with tumor growth rate (R(2) = 0.74, P < .001). K(PS) and tumor growth decreased significantly in all bevacizumab-treated cancers compared with these values in control group cancers (P < .05).
Conclusion: The MR imaging-assayed acute change in vascular leakiness after a single dose of bevacizumab was an early, measurable predictive biomarker of tumor angiogenesis treatment response.
(c) RSNA, 2008.