Serum samples from individuals immunized with a pepsinized or non-pepsinized vaccine and from patients who had recovered from acute hepatitis B or who developed a chronic form of the disease, were analysed for the presence of antibody against the pre-S2 epitope of the hepatitis B virus. Anti-pre-S2 antibody was absent in all but one individual immunized with the pepsinized vaccine. Thirty-eight percent of the subjects who responded by anti-HBs production to the non-pepsinized preparation showed anti-pre-S2 antibody one year after complete vaccination. Among subjects who did not produce anti-HBs after immunization with this vaccine, 1 single individual produced anti-pre-S2 antibody. Anti-preS2 antibody was detectable after one year in 38% of the patients who recovered from acute hepatitis B, but in none of those with chronic hepatitis B. The kinetics of anti-pre-S2 antibody response to a booster injection was also analysed 1 month and 1 year after the 3rd injection and 1 month after the 4th injection of the non-pepsinized vaccine.