Two cases of bronchogenic cysts involving esophagus are reported. The first case concerns a 30 year-old man, who admitted for dysphagia, regurgitation and abdominal pain. Barium esophagography, esophagoscopy and CT scan showed a cystic mass involving the lower third of the esophageal wall. Treatment consisted in the resection of the cyst by left thoracic approach. The second case concerns a 26 year-old woman, admitted for dysphagia. MRI and endoscopic ultrasonography had contributed to define the exact nature, internal composition and location of the cyst: upper and posterior mediastinum, close to the esophagus but respecting all the esophageal layers. Treatment consisted in the resection by video-thoracoscopy. Histologically, these two cysts were typical bronchogenic cysts. These two cases allowed us to discuss the benefits of new imaging methods (CT scan, MRI, endoscopic US) in the diagnosis of cystic masses of the mediastinum, and to emphasize video-surgery in their treatment.