Clinical signs of severe bronchopneumonia, including anorexia, coughing, nasal discharge, dyspnoea, diarrhoea, distension of the neck, lethargy, recumbency, lameness preceding collapse, and death were observed among a herd of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle. The outbreak occurred over a 30-day period, and attack and case-fatality rates were 0.4% and 50%, respectively. At necropsy, extensive consolidation in the cranioventral parts of the lungs was observed. Histologically, a severe acute bronchopneumonia with slight pleuritis was present. Both pathological and bacteriological evaluation of the lungs incriminated Histophilus somni (heavy growth). Supplementary laboratory investigations also isolated Clostridium and Klebsiella species (scanty growth) from the lungs. Histophilosis in cattle was confirmed for the first time in Nigeria.