A high-performance liquid chromatographic assay with tandem mass spectrometric detection was developed and validated for quantitation of the broad spectrum kinase inhibitor, flavopiridol, in human plasma. Sample preparation conditions included liquid-liquid extraction in acetonitrile (ACN), drying, and reconstitution in 20/80 water/ACN. Flavopiridol and the internal standard (IS), genistein, were separated by reversed phase chromatography using a C-18 column and a gradient of water with 25 mM ammonium formate and ACN. Electrospray ionization and detection of flavopiridol and genistein were accomplished with single reaction monitoring of m/z 402.09>341.02 and 271.09>152.90, respectively in positive-ion mode [M+H](+) on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Recovery was greater than 90% throughout the linear range of 3-1000 nM. Replicate sample analysis indicated within- and between-run accuracy and precision to be less than 13% throughout the linear range. This method has the lowest lower limit of quantitation (LLOQ) reported to date for flavopiridol, and it allows for more accurate determination of terminal phase concentrations and improved pharmacokinetic parameter estimation in patients receiving an active dosing schedule of flavopiridol.