A new simplified technique for evaluating the internal pudendal artery and the penile vessels is described using a new catheter configuration with a very short 90 degrees-angled tip. In 30 consecutive patients, a superselective catheterisation of the internal pudendal artery was achieved in 93%. To improve visualisation of the penile arteries, the selective intraarterial application of 0.2 mg nitroglycerin in addition to the mandatory intracavernous injection of papaverin or prostaglandin E1 has proved to be of value. Examination of the blood blow velocity in the dorsal penile artery with Doppler ultrasound 2 minutes after intra-arterial application of 0.2 mg nitroclyerin showed a mean elevation of the Doppler amplitude by the factor 2.4 (range 0.4-9). With regard to the maximal increase of the blood velocity (range 1-6 minutes), a high interindividual difference was observed.